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News / Regatta Friday is upon us


Although we lacked sunshine today, the atmosphere during the finale of The Tall Ships Races was definitely hot.

The finale of The Tall Ships Races 2024 has officially begun. Just before noon, at Nabrzeże Starówka, there was a welcoming ceremony for the vessels Dar Szczecin and Zryw, which hosted the Representation of Szczecin on their decks. It was also an opportunity to symbolically open the final of the regatta, which was made by Piotr Krzystek, the President of Szczecin. "You are our ambassadors, cultivating a long-standing and multi-generational tradition, so that the maritime traditions of Szczecin are still alive. Events like The Tall Ships Races are not only a festivity for the sailors, but also for us - the residents of Szczecin. This is a city with a maritime history, where sailing is deeply rooted in everyone’s soul." said Piotr Krzystek, the President of Szczecin.

More than 70 vessels moored at Szczecin's docks, is a sight that makes an incredible impression on everyone. The Dar Młodzieży, the Gorch Foch, the Fryderyk Chopin, the Pascal Flores, the Guayas from Ecuador and many other vessels have sailed thousands of nautical miles to cast moorings right in Szczecin. Long lines of city residents and tourists lined up to see many of them decked up close.

On Friday, the VII edition of the Festival of Brass Bands for the Cup of the President of the City of Szczecin (VII edycja Festiwalu Orkiestr Dętych o Puchar Prezydenta Miasta Szczecin) was inaugurated. This year's participants in the festival are: Youth Brass Band of the Krasocin OSP with the Dance Group "Aplauz", Municipal Brass Band from Stara Błotnica with Majorettes, Model Children's Brass Band " Aleksandrija" - Ukraina, Youth Brass Band of Śmigel with Majorettes "Iris", TSO Brass Band of Koło with Dance Group "Gravity", Brass Band of Mszana Górna with Dance Group "MargoDance Team", Youth Brass Band of OSP Grójec , Youth Brass Band " Kujawia" from the club of the 1st Pomeranian Logistic Brigade in Bydgoszcz with Majorettes “Super Stars” from Płoty. The orchestras presented their skills to a large audience during a march through the streets of Szczecin, at Solidarity Square (plac Solidarności) and at the Helena Majdaniec Spring Theater (Teatr Letni im. Heleny Majdaniec).

The animation zones were in full swing. Everything related to water could be found in the Water Zone (prepared by Water and Sewage Plant and the aquapark - Water Factory). The children's zone at Mickiewicz Square was also packed with attractions. Incredible fun awaited everyone in the amusement parks. Fairs, souvenir and handicraft stands opened up. You could fill your belly at one of the numerous food outlets. Sweet and salty, hot or cold - everyone could find something for themselves and have a feast.

We were also accompanied by music. Musicians on the Folk-Shanty stage sang about sea adventures. Among those who played on the Szczecin stage were Rożanek, Ethno Flow and Konrad Słoka&Chango. The musical highlight of the evening was a concert on the Main stage, where Szczecin's cultural ambassadors and one of the most popular Polish rock bands of the last decade met. The Choir of the Maritime University of Technology in Szczecin & the band Ørganek. The concert also featured soloists and a special mini-set prepared by the Maritime University of Technology Choir together with Bloco Pomerania.

Tomorrow the sun is expected to emerge from behind the clouds. We invite you to the Chrobry Embankment, the riverside boulevards and Łasztownia. Another fantastic day awaits us. May the atmosphere of sailing adventure spread to you as well!

Regatta Friday is upon us
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